ADHD Therapy Options for Adults
Adult ADHD Therapy Options
There’s currently no evidence that counselling alone can treat the core symptoms of ADHD such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Current research suggests the best outcomes include a combination of ADHD medication and counselling can help lessen the life impairments experienced by people with ADHD, such as procrastination, time management and maladaptive coping skills.
One of the challenges that can accompany an adult ADHD or ADD diagnosis is the self-esteem and self-image damage done by years of functional or maladaptive behaviour. A good ADHD counsellor can assist adults with ADHD address the many distorted thinking processes that can accompany adult ADHD, including:
- All-or-nothing thinking – seeing everything you attempt to do as either all good or all bad. If you don’t do it perfectly, you’ve failed.
- Overgeneralization – repeatedly viewing a single mistake as a part of a consistent pattern: For example, you forget to check the gas in your car.
- Mind reading – assuming you know what others are thinking about you or stuff you’ve done and acting as if it’s true.
- Predicting a negative future – assuming things will turn out badly.
- Amplifying and minimizing— over-emphasizing the significance of minor problems while undervaluing your accomplishments.
- “Should” thinking— overemphasis on how things “should” be, resulting in severe harsh self-criticism and resentment toward others.
- Comparing yourself to others – holding yourself up to the performance of others and feeling inferior, even when the comparison is unrealistic
As a professionally trained ADHD therapy counsellor, I can realistically assist an ADHD client in building skills like:
- Time, task, and space management
- Motivation and follow-through
- Developing systems for success
- Healthy communication and relationships
- Strategic planning and perspective
- Making conscious & wise choices
- A simplified and more orderly life
- Achieving a balanced, healthy lifestyle
When one gets an ADHD or ADD diagnosis later in life, there can be a sense of relief (I finally know what this is about!) but a real sense of despair that comes with the realization of years of unnecessary struggle when we were younger. Working with a competent counsellor who understands ADHD Therapy can accelerate your growth and provide you with the tools and skills you need to be the best possible version of yourself.
Read more about ADHD Therapy
Learn about Anger Management Counselling