Adult ADHD Symptoms

11 months ago

Adult ADHD Symptoms Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often considered a childhood disorder; however, it is increasingly apparent that an increasing…

Could it be Adult ADHD?

1 year ago

Adult ADHD Diagnosis Realizing much later in life that I had been grappling with attention deficit challenges since my childhood,…


4 years ago

So you tried meditation and it didn’t seem to work for you? Maybe you’re not the type to commit to…

Is premature ejaculation ruining your sex life?

4 years ago

Is premature ejaculation making your intimate life more anxiety-provoking than fun? You can last longer with hypnosis and get control…

Everyone Can Benefit from Therapy

4 years ago

Here is a great primer on why everyone should consider counseling. Psychotherapy from Isaac Holland on Vimeo.

Mindfulness Class

4 years ago

Mindfulness Meditation Group Welcome to the Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety class. I am pleased that you are choosing to join us in learning more…

Mindfulness and Anxiety

4 years ago

Are you feeling overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions? When we are feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, our nervous system is…

Thinking about Therapy?

4 years ago

Thinking About Couples Counselling? What Can You Expect? You are thinking about starting individual or marriage therapy and this feels like the…

Anxiety Counselling – An Effective Alternative to Medication

4 years ago

Anxiety counselling in Victoria, BC. Too often in my practice, I hear clients struggling with anxiety issues state quite plainly…

Choosing a Marriage Therapist

4 years ago

It amazes me that most people decide to end their marriages without seeking professional help. The decision of whether to…